
Well-known interior designers, who still inspire many

Although architecture and design are not static fields [as technical progress, changes in textures and materials push continued changes], there are architects and designers whose views are always noteworthy.


This particularly concerns those professionals who create mood and offer interior designs which are authentic.

Despite the fact that the creation of a living space is absolutely individual, popular interior designers and decorators still play as major sources of inspiration for beginners, whose works are frequently posted on Instagram on Pinterest.

This particularly concerns those professionals who create mood and offer interior designs which are authentic.

Despite the fact that the creation of a living space is absolutely individual, popular interior designers and decorators still play as major sources of inspiration for beginners, whose works are frequently posted on Instagram on Pinterest.

წყარო: Phillip Starck
წყარო: Phillip Starck

Philippe Starck

Philippe Starck is an internationally-recognized French interior designer with a rebellious nature. He simply believes that his duty is to offer aesthetics to the world without beauty. Starck’s goal is living in a “fair space”. Taking the attitude into account, his works are practical compositions first of all. Due to the unique vision, the spaces and furniture created with his design are iconic. Shapes and forms sketched by him are refined and tasty. The most recent works by Starck are completely about ecology. One of his latest, most popular works is the conception of “democratic ecology,” with available wind turbines at homes. Starck announced plans about innovative wooden materials specially for eco-houses and a boat using solar energy.

წყარო: Kelly Hoppen
წყარო: Kelly Hoppen

Kelly Hoppen

Kelly Hoppen is a famous British designer, author of several books and an owner of a décor shop. Despite being trendy, her authentic items are quite available. Coziness and simplicity are two key characteristics of her works: clean, neutral colors influenced by the Eastern culture. Designs created by Hoppen suits any space. She makes huge influence on the tastes of women worldwide, with any of her new idea or style receiving thousands of feedbacks.

Victoria Hagan

Hagen is another mood-maker in the interior-design business. Her works are highly evaluated worldwide. Modernity of style is which makes her works different: silhouette is strong, metatrails-refined. A slight eclecticism is felt in her designs. If you are keen on modern, refined and at the same time cozy spaces, Hagen may become your inspiration.

წყარო: Victoria Hagan
წყარო: Victoria Hagan

ვიქტორია ჰაგენი კიდევ ერთი გამორჩეული ინტერიერის დიზაინერია, რომელიც ამინდს ქმნის თანამედროვე სივრცის ფორმირებაში. მის ნამუშევრებს უკვე საკმაოდ დიდი ხანია აფასებენ მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით. ჰაგენის ხელწერისთვის პირველ რიგში სტილის თანამიმდევრულობაა დამახასიათებელი. სილუეტი ძლიერია, მასალა დახვეწილი. სტილში კი ძალიან ფრთხილი ეკლექტურობა იგრძნობა. თუ დახვეწილი, თანამედროვე, მაგრამ ამავდროულად მყუდრო სივრცეები გიტაცებთ, შთაგონება ჰაგენის ნამუშევრებში უნდა ეძებოთ.

წყარო: Victoria Hagan
წყარო: Victoria Hagan

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