
Antonio Gaudi's Unique Creations - An Architect Who Defeated Time

It is said that on 12 June 1926 half of Barcelona was mourning Antoni Gaudi, a well-known architect of that time.


Gaudi actually created a new city from Barcelona, which is currently visited by hundreds of tourists daily. Antonio Gaudi's architectural style is distinguished as it is an excellent mixture of old and modern designs. Each, even the smallest detail in a particular composition has its significant connotation. 

Gaudi actually created a new city from Barcelona, which is currently visited by hundreds of tourists daily. Antonio Gaudi's architectural style is distinguished as it is an excellent mixture of old and modern designs. Each, even the smallest detail in a particular composition has its significant connotation. 

წყარო: Casa Vicens
წყარო: Casa Vicens

His childhood can explain Antoni Gaudi's floral motives and his unique attitude towards details and nature. As a child, Antoni was suffering from rheumatism and was unable to play with other children. He had much time for observation and became inspired by bio-forms. Childhood spent near the sea is the reason his creations seem like sandstone palaces. A promising debut for a young architect was Casa Vicens.

წყარო: Casa Milla
წყარო: Casa Milla

The house is the combination of Spanish bourgeoisie and Arab traditions. It seems Gaudi studies the art of ornaments and decoration and shows how the craftsmanship can turn a merchant’s house into a palace. The idea is generally modernist. As Gaudi’s style is very individual and modern one may think that it stands far from traditional, architectural approaches. However, it is not true. The young architect was inspired by neo-gothic ideas which were very popular at the time. So, the first projects by Gaudi come with such ideas. New constructive tools and early Art-Nouveau ideas allowed him to create traditional but still modern projects which were inspired by nature. Soon he completely refused the eclectic influences of that time, and with the help of modernity, openly demonstrated his own ideas. Another unique project is Casa Batllo.

წყარო: Casa Batllo
წყარო: Casa Batllo

The house depicts almost all mysterious animals. Balconies on the facades are like nests of birds. Every visitor feels like nature in the house. A veneer without angles make you think it was made of leather. We can discuss Antoni Gaudi's creative details, its effective decisions and the technique of craftsmanship endlessly. However, it will not have any meaning as Gaudi's architecture is the architecture of mood. The form, nature, and religion are the three main components for the architectural style. It is the history, a story of an artist, of an unusual aesthete and individualist, who created epic masterpieces.

Antoni Gaudi is the source of inspiration for the people who are interested in space, want to express themselves and look at people's future with faith. Perhaps, the expression of this endless hope are Magnum Opus and Sagrada Familia.

წყარო: Sagrada Familia
წყარო: Sagrada Familia

გაუდი ყველა იმ ადამიანისთვის არის ინსპირაციის წყარო, ვისაც სივრცე აინტერესებს, საკუთარი თავის გამოხატვა სურს და ადამიანის მომავალს რწმენით უყურებს. ალბათ, სწორედ ამ დაუსრულებელი იმედის ნიშანია გაუდის მაგნუმ ოპუსი, საგრადა ფამილიაც.

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