
Return of nature in accommodations - green roofs, balconies and terraces

We have already spoken about the importance of phyto-design, landscapes and nature compositions in the human life.


Of course, we are not mechanical creatures and communication with nature matters. S

tarting from 80ies of the last century urbanists and ecologists have gradually started analyzing the needs and problems humanity is facing.

That was why the number of eco-cities, green environment and public spaces have increased.

Of course, we are not mechanical creatures and communication with nature matters. S

tarting from 80ies of the last century urbanists and ecologists have gradually started analyzing the needs and problems humanity is facing.

That was why the number of eco-cities, green environment and public spaces have increased.

However, the lifestyle of city dwellers has totally changed and they rarely use the public spaces or parks. Mobile communication and information are top priorities currently and time values much. Modern needs encouraged the introduction of nature in accommodations. Green spaces have occupied rooms, balconies and terraces. Although it is impossible to replace parks, the solution works and it is an important aspect of interior design. In big cities, where the space is increasing vertically, arrangement of cozy and calm environment in an accommodation is necessary.

Green roofs and terraces

Greening of a roof is one of the most popular solutions of a problem. Moreover, law obliges residents in several regions of Germany to green their roofs. It should be noted that without the professional help creation of desirable design on the roof and choosing of plants are very problematic. 

If you have enough space and money you will be able not only to have a good rest without leaving home, but also to change the microclimate. Green roofs protect from overheating in summer, which works for the whole building, and keeps warmth in winter, reducing energy expenses. When it comes to aesthetics, you are never restricted to choose the design you wish, starting from an ethno-garden to a little square on the roof. As many green variations as better for your garden… You can also pave tracks and have furniture to make your green space look as original as possible. Green zones are as important for modern people as a bedroom or a kitchen.

Situation regarding terraces is easier. The terrace roofing can really be transformed into the micro-public space. Tbilisi already has an experience in this regard, as there is a category of houses in the capital in which roofs were used as public spaces. It is a unique architectural tradition which helps friendly ties and communication between neighbors. The tradition should not be lost and greening of terraces is likely to revive it.

Green balconies

Unlike a roof and a terrace, a balcony is an integral part of interior. Accordingly, it should not be perceived as a separate green space. The balcony arrangement and style should be in full line with interior. Compared to the roof and the terrace, the balcony is smaller in scales, so several lovely pots of flowers, plush on the railing and a comfortable armchair might be absolutely sufficient.

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